الأربعاء، 11 أبريل 2018

كورس ادارة الاموال والاستثمار الناجح

هل لديك اعباء مالية هل حاولت الاستثمار ولكن فشلت نقدم لكم كورس لطرق الاستثمار السليم وترشيد صرفك بالطرق الصحيح تنويه الكورس مدفوع وليس مجاني و اذا تريد شرائه اقرا كل شيء حوله وتاكد بانك ستستفيد منه وبالتوفيق https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_id=114&ipn=icep&toolid=20004&campid=5338291571&mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fm.ebay.com%2Fitm%2FLot-of-2-Hume-Assoc-Successful-Investing-Money-Management-Course-38-Booklets%2F201796954864%3Fhash%3Ditem2efc092af0%3Ag%3ANS8AAOSw44BYi5XU%20

السبت، 27 يناير 2018

Top 10 beaches in the world

10" Cape Tribulus Beach, Australia This picturesque beach is located in southern Queensland The beach is characterized by yellow sand and transparent water and on this beach there are some dangerous animals such as crocodiles, poisonous snakes and some nuisance birds that resemble ostriches, which has led to a decrease in the influx of tourists on this beach 9" Hanakabaei Beach in Hawaii is located about two kilometers from the waterfalls of the same name. This beach is classified as one of the most dangerous beaches in the world because of the high waves that cause drowning. 8" Gansby Beach South Africa This beach is a dangerous beach known since 1995 and the reason is the presence of sharks scattered in the water as there is a colony island of this beach by fish ate meat 7" Chubati Moubaria Beach This Chateau in the south is famous for religious celebrations and rituals, but it is not advisable to approach it due to the pollution and debris on the beach which lead to many diseases 6" Black Sand Beach This beach in Hawaii is characterized by black sand, but the reason for making it dangerous is its proximity to the active volcanoes 5" Florida Beach This beach is one of the most important tourist beaches but also the most dangerous because it records a record of attacking sharks for humans 4" Fraser Island is located in Australia but Australia is known to be a place for sharks, jellyfish, crocodiles and poisonous snakes. 3" Zeppolite Beach is located in Mexico and is known for its beaches, because of the high waves that make it difficult to swim 2" Amazon Beach This beach is located in Peru, Colombia and Brazil and what makes it dangerous is the presence of dangerous animals and plants in water, from sharks to even the most dangerous animals. 1" Copacabana Beach is located in Rio de Janeiro and when we hear about this city we should know that it is one of the most dangerous cities because of crimes and attacks and although it is attractive to the crime rate is big on this beach

الاثنين، 22 يناير 2018

The most dangerous 5 horror movies

5 move maybe you  can watch  alone lets now why


Saw is one of the films thriller and terrifying 
film is very violent if you watched  this movie 
Say your experience :)


the blair witch project

A film about wild forests


the shining

It was a terrifying and artistic horror that took five years to imagine
The film talks about a man living in an abandoned hotel


The ring

Fantasy horror film


the exorcist

One of the most horrifying films has been nominated to win the Oscars

Do not forget to leave a comment and tell us what you think about these films :

الجمعة، 19 يناير 2018

The jobs of wwe stars before Fame

:"The miz 1
He was one of the stars of reality television, from which he launched more than one program such as the real
 world program, challenging street laws

The macho man randy
He was a professional baseball player and spent four years winning many games

The American football player had been allowed the opportunity to play the challenge of American football for more than a year before joining Wcw and storming the world of wrestling has had a strong body and fitness to be a distinguished wrestler and this has already happened
The Irish star was working as a bodyguard for the U2 squad before entering the field of wrestling

Hulk hogen

He was a guitarist in a famous band in the town of Tampa, in addition to his work in a gym, where he talked many fights at night outside the club, and then one of the wrestlers urged the strength of the hogan and his body decided to add him to the world of wrestling to enter the world of
wrestling and become one of the stars

Chris Jericho
He was a star of the fozzi band in the nineties and had charisma and good voice. He is now a brilliant rock star and famous wrestler. He worked hard to achieve success in both areas

Road  warrior hawk

Was a butcher and may explain this aggressive aggressive behavior and has always been very cruel to animals specifically

Kurt angle

Maybe everyone knows he was a hero in the buildings but you may not know that he was also a sports announcer in the channel Fox was a star and was also a star for some commercials, specifically pizza pizza

Brock lesnar

He came from the countryside of Dakota where he worked as a farmer in his hometown and was entering the world of wrestling, a great transfer in his life, he did not have a job that would be taken away from him and he would suffer a lot to cover his expenses

10". John Cena

The most famous wwe wrestlers currently have some other pre-wrestling jobs. He has served in the army for a while and worked as a limousine driver